Holiday from the Perfect Crime
Somehow the resonance for me during the entertaining of this title as an abiding albeit background theme for the poems, was th…
The bullet sped through the air
going nowhere
Aunt Martha was ironing
ironically enough
On a high balcony
in Barcelona
Larvae take a few hours or days
to mature and then
look out!
The clothes were neatly pressed in a pile
and then piled in a press
Time has a way of keeping still
for important events
Nothing greases silence better
than an important event
Time was winding down
and space was sharpening to a point
Travel from A to B is often sudden
and brutal
A direct consequence of a true
concatenation of events
poising a conclusion on the
head of a pin
which punctures the silence
with a bang
heard round the world
from balcony to bridge to battleship to
bathysphere bobbing in the bath of life
The bullet sped forward and
didn’t look back
With grim determination
it didn’t know where it was going
Though where it landed was the
end of all knowledge itself
As many waves as crest on the open sea
or clouds in the scudding sky
Or something whistling through the wind
to deliver destiny’s personal blow
like a signed love letter dipped in scent
and sent through the perfume of the air
to a fair beloved
Though we don’t know it each blow is a
love blow
The children were playing on the terrace
hoops and jacks and hopscotch and clue
The president was signing documents at his desk
flags of all nations furled and unfurled
behind him
Like a kiss it landed where it
needed to land
Sent from a serious hand
The young soldier in mid-sentence
put a period to his life sentence
Though he never finished his last sentence
sentenced to eternal transcendence
Aunt Martha ironed another shirt
he’d wear only once
on a balcony in Barcelona
On a hilltop overlooking the sea
On a day without clouds
Above the noisy city
2/12/2005 (from Holiday from the Perfect Crime)