Still Eyeless in Gaza?
I think many of us are still in a state of shock over the Israeli powered holocaust in Gaza against the Palestinian innocents.…
A little mouse in a hole in the house
sings to the moon with the
sweetest of squeaks
Crows can only caw but caw they do
as they fly into the sky’s maw then
into trees for their morning Conferences of the Birds
squawking and cawing for all they’re worth
The giraffe it’s said also vocalizes but at
decibels so high or so low (I can’t recall)
humans can’t hear with the naked ear
Stars also sing in perfect
pitch though of strange keys
and peculiar harmonies you’d maybe
have to be in a front row seat among star debris
to correctly hear
and then you might find angels and
space-demons also leaning in to listen
Light and sound and space and the
creatures who dwell therein…
What a thrilling ensemble we all are
singing to our deity in the
best harmony hoping to be heard the way
we’ve been created to sound
in light and space
while we go through our
9/25/09 (from The Throne Perpendicular to All that is Horizontal)
Categories: Poems