Death of Ben Laden
(Note: This was first published on my blog on May2, 2011. Isis and their ilk certainly have taken on and expanded Ben Laden’s …
(Note: This was first published on my blog on May2, 2011. Isis and their ilk certainly have taken on and expanded Ben Laden’s …
Bismillah er-rahman er-rahim To begin to present my life-time’s body of poetic work …
Shaykh Abdalhaqq Bewley has transmitted this beautiful du’a for Lailat al-Qadir (Night of Power, among the odd numbered last t…
for Abdallateef Whiteman, village architect An adobe wall, dust by dust, is built up to surround the town. A trail enters it f…
An incredible sand-painting illustrated war story for So You Think You’ve Got Talent, in perhaps Poland… [youtube=http://www.y…
(from The Nation, June 30, 2008 ) I sing to the last the equalities modern or old, I sing the endless finales of things,…
This is a memorial page for our dear Imran Khan, his untimely death, under ambiguous…