The Wild Stars
Every person on earth walks their entire life back and forth underneath the stars, but it seems as if some never look up. Babi…
Every person on earth walks their entire life back and forth underneath the stars, but it seems as if some never look up. Babi…
How strange that it’s all based on the sighting of the slightest sliver of the moon! The whole sky veils it then, only the…
AFTER AFTERNOON NAP 1 Awakening from finally a Sunday afternoon nap having a hard ti…
A midnight ping-pong match is playing among the stars Atoms careen through space smacked by invisible paddles The shadow of th…
THE INEVITABLE It’s like practicing for death. No food or drink during daylight hours no matter what, in the heat of summer or…
A ball of mercury slides down an incline into a pool reflecting all the starry heavens making a whispery inaudible splash A pl…
We live in the hold of a great boat moving through the stars There are no windows in this boat and it is all…
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asW4dweg8Ko] TIMETABLE 1 All the historical …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHhiRFBlQDI] THEY CAME DOWN FROM THE HIGH AN…
The lover lowers her gaze and the Beloved raises it until lover is engulfed in oceans too vast to circumscribe and around thei…
A late-night videoku (attempted spontaneously for a while in 2009), extemporized before hitting the video button (I will confe…
Video’d haiku in the moment of its making… with one false start… Haiku: 5/7/5 syllables, a momentary noticing, a flash, succin…