The Wild Stars
Every person on earth walks their entire life back and forth underneath the stars, but it seems as if some never look up. Babi…
And the hapless Soldier’s sigh
Runs in blood down Palace walls
— William Blake
A thousand armies sat on a wall and
everyone of them was dead
eating sandwiches out of little tin boxes
yellow broken teeth and considerable chewing
But their eyes were not that interested in seeing
their eyes didn’t follow anything moving in front of them
or look as they pulled the waxed paper away from their bread
or broke open their bottles of water or sat with their friends
There was a constant murmuring like a stomach churning its juices
a constant scratching like animals caught between walls
They sat on a wall overlooking an orchard and
each one of them was dead
But they watched the seasons come to life on the
vine in the vineyards and down the long
crop rows though their eyes barely took it in
and when the crops were harvested and the
snows came they barely blinked they barely noticed
Thousands of armies dangling their legs bootless in heaven
eating sandwiches out of little silver boxes
their eyes transformed from burning buildings and people
running into the streets to
green fields full of lions and lambs and other wingéd animals
lying together
though their eyes were always elsewhere
and their hearts were as round as the world
3/23/2003 (from Psalms for the Brokenhearted)
Categories: Poems