Ramadan is Burnished Sunlight
Ramadan is such a slice of timelessness into time for us fasters, and a doorway to such miraculous moments throughout its rigo…
Ramadan is burnished sunlight on the
cheek of the Beloved at the
first dawn of creation
first fruits burst on first green
branches in the first Garden
their ripening a whole
lunar month without being picked
till they burst with the
celestial pleasure of pure being
Ramadan hunkers down in the extreme
depths of heaven and earth
as deep in the earth as the sky
bound together with immaterial
coils in the
knot of our fleshly hunger
It’s a luminous door down a long hall in a
yearly wall in space
past rooms of resplendent solitudes and
incantatory gatherings with a
vision at the end of a tall silver stag whose
antlers are flames lighting our
way to inconceivable pastures
where endless bounty abounds
A weighty touch from an emptiness that
strikes sparks in our hearts
a turning from one light to another
even brighter than ocular radiance
Lick the tongue of it with our tongues!
Clear the throat of it with our throats!
Surround the sight of it in a blind blizzard of
overpouringness into our
suddenly increased dimension
as we stand a bit shakily at His
praising His Name
8/10/11 10 Ramadan (from Ramadan is Burnished Sunlight)
Categories: Poems, Ramadan / 'Eid, Fasting