Halfway Through the Fast

Halfway through the fast
is it a giant granite stone we shoulder

uphill in a boiling sun?

Or pool after reflective shady
pool in fragrant afternoons that

flow everywhere?

Is it coming face to face with
ourselves holding an empty

walnut shell in a
cubicle of mirrors

or suddenly relieved of the
anatomical discomforts of our

egos’ slouches and shrugs we think
define us

now we sit as easy as
weightless jockeys on

horses of burnished silver
for the race to the finish?

The universe surrounds us with a
personable hug

that with days of
gastronomical emptiness we sense the

deft butterfly touch that actually
makes up its doings and


Allah’s subtlety in the
interconnectedness of all things

as our beings move forward while others
sail past in the opposite

way but go to the exact
same place in His dazzling

geometrical perfection

these close-ups of shattered and
reshaped patterns pouring their

diamond endlessness all around us
Light upon


8/16/11   16 Ramadan (from Ramadan is Burnished Sunlight)

Categories: Poems, Ramadan / 'Eid, Fasting