Video The Radiance of Day
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When the tide of the day pulls out and
leaves the night standing on the shore
swallowing the stars
and the moon is nearly halfway to
completing its luminous shell
and the night stretches its arms to
expand as far as the
globe’s curvature will allow
with the sun’s spotlight lighting up where
night is not and the night
darkening to the hazy line between them
and we take all this into our
bodies with the daytime fast
are we not now inhabiting a space that is
neither exactly terrestrial nor celestial
but by the decree of prophetic consciousness
participating as we might otherwise not
in the in and out breathing of Allah’s most
essential creating?
We see the signs of Allah on the
horizons of heaven and earth
and they are
8/14/11 14 Ramadan (from Ramadan is Burnished Sunlight)
Categories: Poems, Ramadan / 'Eid, Fasting, Love