Knot of Gold
KNOT OF GOLD The Prophet took people of abject poverty and strewed rubies at their feet There was no glass in the Prophet’s wi…
The small brown spider in my bathroom
(honored guest whose
protection is assured)
after more than two weeks of patient waiting
finally got a large tasty black fly-like
bug this morning in her
helter-skelter-looking web (to
me at least) linked to a retracting
mirror and the wall near a
nightlight I keep on so she perhaps
likes the dim glow and mild heat
And all through the night she spent
wrapping and sucking out the
goodness and turning and turning the trapped
big bug around in her legs
and this morning at dawn as well she was
still rotating it in her
spidery fashion but when I
peered at her just now past noon
no trace of bug remained (pitiful
remnants on the floor below?) but my
lady spider’s abdomen bulges elegantly
round so she’s no doubt now
dreaming away and digesting her
sweet feast in whatever consciousness a
spider has or needs and is probably
sated enough for now to await the
next morsel as patiently as she
8/18/11 18 Ramadan (from Ramadan is Burnished Sunlight)
Categories: Poems, Ramadan / 'Eid