Lord Wear Me Out
LORD WEAR ME OUT Lord wear me out in the saddle of Your continuous gallop over fences if You will or even round and…
Ramadan is a gorgeous chorus
repeated in a mist above glades of
green wheat bending in blue light
Ramadan meets itself coming in from
the rain with its face slick and shining
and sits at our table as it vanishes with all its
viands back into pure spirit set with
foaming golden goblets of Paradise
A warm breeze aromatic with jasmine
rises around our bodies as we
pass between miles of monotone graves on our
way to Eternity’s low doorway
A fountain appears in the middle of
everything and in its splashing music
proclaims exactly why we endure the
fast and how He will embrace us
on the other side in the
sweet exhaustion of our endurance
Scrolls of fire turn into waterfalls of
ice in the air all around us
each with our own particular wisdom
as the world sets like a planet under the
moon’s horizon of our lunar month
and we let its ribbons and streamers
go as it pursues its worldly parade
up to cliff-edge after cliff-edge of seemingly
unavoidable disaster
Ramadan has freed us and it’s for
us to remain in this concentrated
state now for Allah’s sake alone
eating the grapes of unity and sipping
its wine in every weather of
satisfaction with His
impeccable Decree
8/25/2011 25 Ramadan (from Ramadan is Burnished Sunlight)
Categories: Poems, Ramadan / 'Eid, Fasting