Splendid Excitement of the Coming Day
Splendid excitement of the coming day! Palaces might await us filled with the tangie…
for Baji (who heard the geese overhead calling out: Allah! Allah!)
Intense nighttime sessions of Light
spangle the planetary air and the
lunar crescendo yup I said the
lunar crescendo as we
head toward Ramadan’s exit back into
temptation’s roundelay yup I said
temptation’s roundelay that seems to go round and
round though for one blessed
month a year we step off it whether it
grinds to a halt or goes off its
spiraling pivot with sparks
screeching the asphalt as in
“Strangers on a Train” that
catastrophic carousel atilt in extremity
for all Eternity
But a crystally nighttime dome appears and we
look out onto blessed Blakean moonlight
and daytime geese across the sky above us
honk the Divine Name as
clearly as can be as they head toward
Canada in a fine summer rain
and we’re back on earth again
8/26/2011 26 Ramadan (from Ramadan is Burnished Sunrise)
Categories: Poems, Saints / Awliyya, Ramadan / 'Eid, Fasting