2 Poems from Ramadan Sonnets
RAMADAN ANGELS Ramadan angels crisscross the sky just above the earth on watch for fasters who lift up into other dimensions d…
RAMADAN ANGELS Ramadan angels crisscross the sky just above the earth on watch for fasters who lift up into other dimensions d…
(Note: Sincere and true love of the Prophet, peace of Allah be upon him, and prayers upon him, cures our ills… and saves the…
How strange that it’s all based on the sighting of the slightest sliver of the moon! The whole sky veils it then, only the…
AFTER AFTERNOON NAP 1 Awakening from finally a Sunday afternoon nap having a hard ti…
for Abdallateef Whiteman, village architect An adobe wall, dust by dust, is built up to surround the town. A trail enters it f…
THE INEVITABLE It’s like practicing for death. No food or drink during daylight hours no matter what, in the heat of summer or…
A ball of mercury slides down an incline into a pool reflecting all the starry heavens making a whispery inaudible splash A pl…
Sitting facing the Ka’ba like a flat black kite bobbing in the wind, or rather the flat black square of the kite is stationary…