Talk to your body talk to your soul Talk to the thunder on the hill Talk to God’s world in which we dwell the…
Talk to your body talk to your soul Talk to the thunder on the hill Talk to God’s world in which we dwell the…
The perfect moon-faced one appears with perfect lips and bow-like eyebrows. His hair is braided behind his ears and this pure …
Robinson Crusoe dips his foot in the river checking for piranhas watches the grasses of the glade checking for vipers squats i…
There are so many souls worth saving the face wreathed in roses whose eyes tell tales from before civilization when trees were…
(Note: This poem was commissioned by Abdal-Hakim Murad for his essay appearing in th…
Everyone walks around with faces of lovers of God, everyone, young, old, grumpy, delighted, enraged, empurpled with rage, redd…
LIFE OF PI the Movie Just back from seeing The Life of Pi, in 3D, overwhelmed by it,…
Streaks of color in the sky — can it be the blood of angels? The sky itself — can it be the breath of…
(salla ‘llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam is assumed after the mention of his blessed name) The Prophet Muhammad sits by the bedside of …
This narrative poem was written in hospital during a chemo session, contemplating God’s sending a perceived “calamity” that mi…
“There’s a cure for everything but death” — Hadith of the Prophet (salla ‘llahu alayhi wa sallam) All our attempts at healing …
In 2014, a great wali (saint) of the Moroccan desert died, at a very advanced age, …