Cancer creeps in on little cat’s feet Cancer grows from the root upward Cancer as a fact is a hard fact to grasp Cancer…
Cancer creeps in on little cat’s feet Cancer grows from the root upward Cancer as a fact is a hard fact to grasp Cancer…
Do the soul’s arms hang down at its sides? Do the soul’s legs extend down from its hips? Do the soul’s eyes float above…
The soul is a flowering peach tree blooming on a bright green hill The scale of a dragon fallen into the Princess’ goblet turn…
The rowers of the big boats had no letup The trapeze artist has to catch his mate for once in midair it’s too late…
A little blue monk in a purple cassock served us sarsaparilla He looked through eyes that had been through a thousand years of…
If a body starts to fall and there’s nothing to stop it falling how long will it fall and through how many worlds? The…
Job sits in his chair of molten lead Walks on a beach of burning sand speaks words that blister the air sings a…
I’ve got a dark force swimming inside me sort of like the Beast from the Black Lagoon or the famous statue of Lacoön with…
I hear nearby firing squad bullets meant for me I am elsewhere All my deeds in a little box in my heart There are…
If illness by Allah is science fact then its cure is science fiction by a mad scientist we hope’s on the right track his…
The lions’ arena is full of medical equipment The roar of the lions is the great radiation ring whirring The crowd leaning for…
If I should die tonight it would be like stepping out onto a big pond’s lily pads with all the other frogs combing out…