The Throne Perpendicular to All that is Horizontal
We’re born in a relationship with theology. Nurtured in the womb by other than our m…
Lord wear me out in the saddle of Your
continuous gallop
over fences if You will or even
round and round in the same corral
if at each turn the light changes and
more and more beauty coheres and
shows its stunning body
You haven’t led us here for stasis
with our urgent hearts inside doing all the
turning for us and containing both all the
lilies in their silver-white blooms
and the nights against whose gorgeous
blackness such lilies shine
Let me wander loose or tight-reigned
wild or tamed in Your perfect modulations
over transformative and transforming
landscapes as You desire them to be
my own eyes blinded instead
by your Beauty alone
Peel me back Lord
Peel me way back to where only
You are here in the saddle
charging through the waterfall of the world
12/27/09 (from The Throne Perpendicular to All that is Horizontal)