Miracle of Sound at the Ka’ba
What sounds are heard around God’s House? First, utter silence, silence within silence. Then its echo, more silent still. A si…
Cancer creeps in on little cat’s feet
Cancer grows from the root upward
Cancer as a fact is a hard fact to grasp
Cancer wears no mask but hides in
private places
Cancer greedily drinks at the oasis meant for
healthy beasts and weary travelers
Cancer’s dark generosity knows no bounds
Cancer is that thing that once planted
can’t easily be got rid of except through
foreclosure or death
Cancer rides death’s black horse
but should be walking beside it
When cancer appears everything changes
as if death were drawing nearer
when it’s God drawing nearer
Cancer is a sown field full of
tares and rocks trying to
flourish at the farmer’s expense
Somehow there’s no sky above cancer
but only the closeness of a closed room
and a small expandable exit
that could become the sky
Cancer thinks its attitude is
our attitude but it
won’t get away with it
Cancer is a man in a blue blazer
waiting at the corner for a
man in a black trench coat but
when they meet the man in blue will
blaze and open up into a
night full of stars
Cancer clings like a monkey
sings like a drunken sailor
rings like a giant bronze bell
in the Pure Land of the Buddha
Cancer is the clearest indicator of
Who is in charge
that He might wipe it away
little by little
until we are clean again
or as never before
6/12/12 (from Down at the Deep End)
Categories: Poems, Cancer Treatment