The Sweet Enigma of it All / Poems
The enigma of it all stood up and spread out its feathery arms All the doubts and gnarly creatures disappeared from around it …
Orpheus wore that look of astonishment for the
rest of his life
How could he have been so
thoughtless as to turn around?
And so near the top?
Wasn’t hearing her behind him on the
steep gravel enough?
It was all dark anyway and he couldn’t
have made out those features that
so swung him around
In the end Majnun even says he doesn’t want to
actually be with Laila
He has Laila inside him
If we’re given a command and its
conditions knowing full well breaking it
entails disaster
what crazy mechanism inside us
whispers its shaytanic hiss to
flagrant disobedience?
Adam and Eve! Back to the original
in the leafiest loveliness known
plucking fruits at our pleasure
and being held accountable for our
wrong move so deeply inspired
a split second of
colossal miscalculation we
pay for for the rest of our lives
The two beloveds almost floating up the
steep incline from the Underworld
They could feel the upper air’s fresh
breezes on their eyelids and cheeks
Orpheus could have evermore sung his joy
Is this an explanation for the
rough time we have here?
We can’t control ourselves to do what’s
Is lament the real song we sing
each time we sing?
Even as we dress it up as “Orpheus:
The Musical”?
Do we own any of this?
Is our own phantom lurking around in the
shadows to curse us?
Can’t our clear face face God and
win the day?
Can’t the Prophet’s mere gorgeousness in every
act of his control us?
God’s Peace seal us in His embrace?
4/19/14 (from The Sweet Enigma of it All)
Categories: Poems, Akhira / Next World, Love