The Crown of Creation
1 Biological strata I love you they build up their crud and scum of leaf mold, worm-hole, layer after layer from forest sea-fl…
(without music)
(with music)
Ramadan goes looking for the
people who fast the best
wearing the phases of the moon
as a shield upon its breast
ignoring stars and galaxies
as too far out in space
concentrating instead
on light in a faster’s face
or if a face is darkened
what is passing through the heart
of someone who resists the world
for this month so set apart
It goes to the best and worst places
looking for a perfect one
who finds the diamond of Ramadan
flashing in the daytime sun
High and low it searches
among the elegant and the poor
who put aside food and drink
to stand in Allah’s corridor
awaiting entrance to His precincts
where finer delicacies are served
who spend their days in fasting
and never think to swerve
It climbs to mountain caves
and sits with hermit saints
and sees illumined worlds in eyes
no words can ever paint
of nearness by Allah’s tight blessing
on the hearts of His bosom friends
who’ve left all vestiges of matter
for nourishment that never ends
But then it sees a glimmer
not far off at all
in the deep intention of everyone
to fulfill the Prophet’s call
that shines in the heart of our hearts
and is the diamond behind that shine
to endure hardship for Allah’s sake
however simple or sublime
And sees in its faceted perfection
every faster’s face
on the surface of that diamond
out of all time and space
in the answer to Allah’s call
to turn to Him alone
before everything we so love in the world
turns to stone
8/14/11 14 Ramadan (from Ramadan is Burnished Sunlight)
Categories: Poems, Ramadan / 'Eid, Fasting