Commentary on DeenPort Haiku
The war’s fourth birthday… Congratulations? ka-boom! (all predicitions true)… While some celebrate, others mourn, and others d…
The first sailboat out had
nowhere to go but forward
out into pure outness
The light slitted down in louvered
doors that swung open for it to
and enter it did
The second sailboat out saw things
differently and tacked to the
side and so slid along the
light in such a way it
slid out of sight
The third sailboat out lost
sight of the fact of the outing
and its sails fell slack
winds blowing elsewhere to fill
sails that would
respond to the air attack
The first boat and its green crew
sailed on into God’s domain
His own breath pulsing them
onward and onward
in divine Flame
There’s no record of the
other two schooners
They are probably goners
May God grant them honors
5/13/12 (from Down at the Deep End)
Categories: Poems