Of Course the Essence of it All
Of course the essence of it all is love How else explain the hardest blackest coal nugget turns to diamond clenched in earth’s…
Of course the essence of it all is love How else explain the hardest blackest coal nugget turns to diamond clenched in earth’s…
1 The last rhinoceros might look around and wonder where its beautiful beady-eyed brothers and sisters went The last waterfall…
KNOT OF GOLD The Prophet took people of abject poverty and strewed rubies at their feet There was no glass in the Prophet’s wi…
Olivier Messiaen, my favorite 20th century composer, a true mystic, actually envisioned being among the angels, often by putti…
I’m more concerned I’m more concerned he said of how these next few years these next few years will affect the small and peris…
“The name of the rose on her lips as she sank into darkness was…” but the dream phrase left upon waking was cut off…
There’s a chair that whoever sits in it becomes less proud Grocery bags tumble their contents out on the ground Buildings refl…
Love is a nectar pressed from a silvery grape plucked from the Unseen just hanging ever so slightly over the Garden wall into …
A VERY PRETTY SYMPHONY A very pretty symphony played on only the blue notes watery streams in between with enough grandeur to …
There’s the sound of the earth’s rotation as it swings past space friction a kind of squeak audible in peoples’ speech pattern…
for Malika I…
A sky shaped like a face – no it can’t be that A wingéd horse on fire in the middle of the air –…