Soap Bubble
https://ecstaticxchange.files.wordpress.com/2010/12/soap-bubble.mp3 A soap bubble the size of space itself slid over space but…
https://ecstaticxchange.files.wordpress.com/2010/12/soap-bubble.mp3 A soap bubble the size of space itself slid over space but…
There is a picture of The Garden as a garden within a garden (by which I mean Paradise), one state enclosed by another state,…
1 The Name of God came haunting down the hall and dazzled all our eyes and ears and hearts, and made us swoon into…
Though he couldn’t see it from below the man was astonished that the ladder he’d leaned up against the house extended into the…
In memoriam Shaykh Mansur Escudero Marked from the start as one who would fly from the taut bowstring and hit bulls eye cuttin…
One quick cold night is all it takes for leaves to snap and fall from trees Greensward now more goldsward with yellow and brow…
Not a moment can be squandered not a moment can be lost Grab the rope and swing out over the abyss “What rope?”…
RAMADAN IS OVER Ramadan is over, and I’ll miss its strange intensity. Dry mountains …
What sweetness it is, in a sea of bleakness, to prostrate in the prayer! The Prophet…
RAMADAN ANGELS Ramadan angels crisscross the sky just above the earth on watch for fasters who lift up into other dimensions d…
(Note: Sincere and true love of the Prophet, peace of Allah be upon him, and prayers upon him, cures our ills… and saves the…
That’s God’s hum you hear when everything is silent When you snap the light out and lie down in the dark God’s hum from…