Ramadan’s Flame Hoops
OK let’s get this straight — Who wants to fast really? Put the body through drought’s grinding chains? Not reach for the plum …
OK let’s get this straight — Who wants to fast really? Put the body through drought’s grinding chains? Not reach for the plum …
A goat eats grass off the Beloved’s hill and gives white milk to the Beloved’s Messenger O body of seemingly little worth disc…
Ramadan is burnished sunlight on the cheek of the Beloved at the first dawn of creation first fruits burst on first green bran…
The things of this world have gone a remove while fasting as if through a kind of glazed window just out of reach which…
Taste the nothing that isn’t and the nothingness that is How many giraffes could gallop through those words with their incredi…
(The reader here is Sidi Ayman Muhammed, from Britain, a graphic designer, rapper and poet) The drunk in Allah are free from t…
A lyre sat in the sun and played itself Harps all over the world began to strum leaned up against corners in Latino Tavernas…
There once was a man who tipped his hat and out fell bird’s eggs How they got there was nobody’s guess but God’s to…
The bullet sped through the air going nowhere Aunt Martha was ironing ironically enough On a high balcony in Barcelona Larvae …
THE PRESENT TENSE (please click to watch) You wake up and the room is empty the light is out There’s that high-pitched ringing…
https://ecstaticxchange.files.wordpress.com/2010/12/soap-bubble.mp3 A soap bubble the size of space itself slid over space but…
There is a picture of The Garden as a garden within a garden (by which I mean Paradise), one state enclosed by another state,…